Saturday, December 17, 2016

Emma Woodhouse Week Kickoff! (And lovely buttons to grab)

      Greetings, all!  Welcome to the Celebrating Emma Woodhouse Week kickoff!  I have been looking forward to this all week and I'm so excited to share with you!

Is this not the cutest picture ever???

       I decided to base my theme on Emma for two reasons: 

Firstly, because it is the best book/movie/fictional character EVER. 

And secondly, because this wonderful book is celebrating a big birthday this month!  Okay, that one needs some clarification.  

 You see, according to the publisher, the official publication date is December 23rd., 1815, which would make last year "Emma's" 200th birthday/anniversary.  Whereas the cover page lists it as 1816, making it the 201st anniversary!  Either way, 200 years or 201 years is a pretty big deal in my opinion, and I didn't think you darlings would mind :)  (But if you do, kindly refrain from telling me so, I have quite delicate sensibilities, just talk about me amongst yourselves ;)  

 Anyway, those are just the boring facts and technicalities I'm sure you don't care about but that I can't help including because I love facts and technicalities and cats! ;D  Now who's ready for buttons?!  (I really, really, really hope you like them!)

 I think this one's my favorite!

Wait, maybe this one?
Nope, nope, nope!  It's this one!

Okay, usual tagging rules apply here!  I tag any of you who wish to participate and answer the following questions!  You may answer them in the comments if you wish or write a post of your own, just don't forget to link back to this post so no one misses out on the fun!  (And don't forget to grab a button!)

And now for questions!

1. Which Emma character is your favorite?
2. Have you seen any film adaptions of the book? Which version(s)?
3. Which did you prefer, book or movies?
4. Do you think Emma is a spoiled brat?
5. Mr. Darcy or Mr. Knightley?
6. Would you be happy living in Highbury, or long for the busy society of London and Bath?
7. Who is more irritating, Miss Bates or Mrs. Elton?
8. Opinion of Harriet.
9. In your opinion, what is Emma's best quality?
10. What is Mr. Knightley's?
11. Would you eat the wedding cake? 

I hope you liked the questions, now go forth and be tagged!


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Announcement That An Announcement is Coming!!

     Hey, guess what?  IT'S DECEMBER 7TH!!!  I'm not sure if you knew that, but flip your calendars anyway!  You're welcome.  Would someone, anyone, maybe like to explain to me exactly how this happened?  I'm rather confused.  Wasn't July, like, yesterday?  And isn't Christmas, like, tomorrow?  I think I'm getting old, I've heard things like this happen to people when they get old.

     Moving right along! Because I love you, I initially planned on doing this post last Friday, but as I was still rather frantically scrambling to finish last minute items for my craft fair this past weekend, that just didn't happen.  (But the craft fair turned out great, in case you were wondering ;)  Anyways, I am just about recovered from craft fair mode and am super excited about what I have to share with you!!  And now the exciting news... I"m going to host my very first-ever blog party!!!!!!!  I've wanted to host one forever and finally decided to just go for it!  But you're all wondering, "Wait, did I miss her saying what the theme is?  Now I'm confused!".  Don't be confused, I didn't say what the theme was! (Want a hint?  Think literature) You see, I haven't exactly had a chance to create my tags yet so you'll have to be patient until the weekend for those.  But I hope/think you're really going to like this, so please just be patient with me until then!  So consider this the announcement that an announcement is coming!

     One last thing before I close.  To those of you who have hosted blog parties in the past, I would be extremely grateful for any advice you care to give me!  Feel free to leave your tips in the comments!  Thanks!
