I mean, come on! They're adorable, right? Well, if you feel the same way, I'm sure that you'll LOVE these little guys!
A few years ago, we visited some crafty friends of ours and they taught us how to make these precious things! They are SO easy! You don't need to know any fancy sewing or embroidering stitches to make them, either! (Yes, you've probably guessed that I like using exclamations points.)
Plus, there is no end to the colors, patterns or themes, that you make them in!
All that is required to make one of these is felt, embroidery floss, a sewing needle, and buttons!
A friend of mine requested these owls as a special custom order for her and her husband. She asked for a librarian owl and a DOT owl (department of transportation).
Hopefully I will be able to get the pattern for these cuties up within the next day or so. I have a few owls that I'm currently working on for my cousins as Christmas gifts. I'll be sure to put up pictures of the finished products, too. :)