Hello! So I thought it would be fun to let you all get to know my dolls a little better so this is a profile page for them! Due to my lack of electronic knowledge I wasn't quite sure how to make it into a separate page so for now you'll have to just bare with me. ;)
Nickname: Lissie, or Licity
Middle Name: Adelaide
Age: 12
Birthday: April 21st.
Favorite Animal(s): HORSES!!!
Personality: Imaginative, playful, helpful to others, dramatic and a sweet friend to everyone.
Trademark(s): Long, dark-red hair and bright green eyes.
Pet: She is the main care-taker of there horse, Starlight, whom they share.
Enjoys: Caring for younger sisters, horse-back riding, inventing games to play with sisters, and crafting.
When I got her: I believe it was in January of 2010. She was my first 18 in. doll and I'd been saving up for her with my own money. I was so excited!
Nickname: Lil
Middle Name: Grace
Age: 11
Birthday: September 8th.
Favorite Animal(s): Kitties!
Personality: Quiet, shy, generous to others.
Trademark(s): Dark, curious eyes, ready smile.
Pet: White kitten ( I haven't named her yet, any suggestion?)
Enjoys: Reading, making crafts, entertaining baby sister, Abigail.
When I got her: My Memere bought her for me for my birthday. I got to pick her out at AG Place Boston on Labor Day weekend, 2011.
Nickname: None
Middle Name: Eleanor (that was my secondary name choice for her.)
Age: 9
Birthday: October 31st.
Favorite Animal(s): Dogs, birds.
Personality: Outgoing, adventurous, energetic.
Trademark(s): Wavy, dark hair, freckles, and hazel eyes.
Pet: Ginger, there dog that they share.
Enjoys: Exploring, bird watching, making up stories.
When I got her: She arrived on October 31st, 2013.
Nickname: Abby
Middle Name: Rose
Age: 9 mo
Birthday: April 14th.
Favorite Animal(s): Um... does Bitty Bear count?
Personality: Sweet, gentle, loving.
Trademark(s): Sparkling brown eyes and rosy cheeks.
Pet: None, she's too little.
Enjoys: Cuddles, stories, and Bitty Bear.
When I got her: Spring, 2009. She was my first American Girl doll.
Well, there we are! If you have any other questions about my dolls please feel free to comment them below!