Monday, June 29, 2015

"While the Petals Fall"~A Photoshoot

   Hello Darlings! Sorry it's It's not like I haven't been thinking of you though, because I have! Life has just gotten pretty busy but I won't boar you with it. lol I will make an attempt to post as often as my schedule allows. Enjoy the photos (they were taken back in May ;).

I wish there were some way that I could let you smell those apple blossoms! They were absolutely heavenly! 

So very delicate!

Bridget reminds me of a little wood nymph in this picture.

I love this one!

The petals really were falling while I snapped pics!

Just a silhouette in the sunlight.

What could she be dreaming of?

I hope you liked them! Did you have a favorite?


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

literary musings...

    What beauty surrounds us! What gifts! Sometimes I just get so excited over those little things that I  could just burst! Do you ever feel that way? For example, when I saw my rosebush this morning, I immediately thought of this quote:

"I read in a book once that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,
but I've never been able to believe it. I don't believe a rose WOULD smell as
nice if it was called a thistle or a skunk cabbage."
                      ~Anne Shirley, 'Anne of Green Gables'

     I love it when a book sums up my thoughts better than I can myself! 

     Enjoy your little gifts today!


Monday, June 1, 2015

Matthew's Birthday

     Hello, Lovelies! Sorry it's been so long! We've had a busy few weeks due to family issues so that's why I haven't posted very much. Surprisingly however, I did manage to upload the pictures from my brother's birthday on his actual birthday! I was quite proud of myself ;)

We start off with the Texas Brownie. THEY ARE SO GOOD. Seriously, the pictures do not do them justice. They are light, more cakey than your typical brownie, and have frosting... enough said.

Whenever there's a birthday, I'm usually in charge of the cake decorating. Sooooo.....

This year I went with a viking theme.

Not to be scary or anything but just because, seriously, there's nothing cuter than a playmobil man!

I wanted it to look like the vikings were conquering this chocolate mountain and removing the the flag of the ruling land! Too bad it was like 87 degrees yesterday and my little vikings kept *ahem* sliding back down. BUT it still tasted good ;) 

This is the cake that we served to our guests this evening. 

No-Bake Eclair Cake. (rhymes!)

They were cute but I still think the vikings were cuter!

     It's getting late so I bid you farewell and good-night!
