I have a few awards that I have been nominated for recently. Well, within the past four months. Still recent, right? Anywhoo. I have a feeling that I will regret posting these awards together but, I think I'll risk it ;) So, shall we?
We'll begin with the Liebster Award from Ginny and June over at Small Town American Girlz:)
(Kinda cute, aye?)
So the steps for each award are the same (and perty simple.)
- Nominate 3-7 bloggers (your favorites or somebody new;)
- Answer the questions given you or follow specific instructions.
- Make sure you post a comment on their blog telling them they've been nominated.
- Copy the award image into your post.
- Link your post back to the original.
- Put the award on your sidebar or page.
- Oh, and don't forget to copy these rules!
Here are the questions they posed to me:
1. What is your favorite book?
My favourite book is "Anne of Green Gables" by L. M. Montgomery. A very close second would be "The Witch of Blackbird Pond" by Elizabeth George Speare. Awesome book!
2. What is your favourite flavor of ice cream?
Hmmm... I think cake batter but coffee is good, too :)
3. What profession would you like to persue when you are older?
I am rather fond of writing, but I think my ideal profession would be motherhood.
4. Does your handwriting look better in marker or pencil?
DEFINITELY pencil! No idea why but marker just doesn't work out the way I intend it to. ha!
5. What does the fox say?
Wow. That's a tough one. Bark? I'd have to listen to the song again...lol!!!
6. Swimming or sledding?
Swimming! Totally!!!! (Although, New England climate allows for both :)
7. If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound?
Oh, goodie!!! A physics question! Let's see, it makes a sound wave but that's not the same thing as a sound. A sound is something that starts as a sound wave and travels through our ear canal, triggers receptors in our brain which interpret the sound wave into an identified sound. In short, if you weren't actually there to hear it, no, it makes no sound. (FYI I love ♥ physics ♥)
8. Why did you start you blog?
Well, I really enjoy doing things with my dolls and connecting with other doll lovers out there.You girls are awesome! ;)
(Love this)
Thank you again, Ginny and June!
Next up we have... Grateful Blogger tag! Thank you Nikki from Dolls Are Best Friends Always, you are lovely!
Here are the top ten things I am grateful for:
- My loving family!
- My Catholic Faith, without which my life would be empty of meaning.
- The wonderful, holy examples of Our Blessed Mother and the saints.
- Beautiful, golden sunsets.
- Spring breezes.
- Of course, my dolls.
- Beautiful music. For, as St. Augustine says, "He who sings prays twice."
- Books!!!
- Moments of quiet thoughtfulness.
- And last but certainly not least, all of you! I wouldn't be here without the support of my loyal readers and followers! Thank you!
And finally, Kirsten and Saige from Journal of Two Dolls nominated us for Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award. Thank you, ladies!
Their questions were:
1. Why did you start your blog?
Well, I already answered that one so same answer.
2. How many dolls do you have?
I have 3 American Girl dolls and 1 Bitty.
3. Favorite ice cream flavor?
Same ^
4. If you had to learn a type of dance, what would it be?
Hmm... either ballroom waltz or 1940's Swing ;) (yeah, big difference, I know ;)
5. Favorite Beforever character?
Judging by looks, Rebecca. By period, Felicity of Kit.
6.Least favorite school subject?
I don't really have a least favorite. I like learning everything!
7. Favorite school subject?
Heh, heh...physics!!!!!
8.Piano or Guitar?
I can't play either, but piano.
9. Have you read the "Chronicles of Narnia"?
No, not yet. It's on my list though!
10. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
I am an ambivert. So, basically a combination ;)
Alright! On to my nominees!!!
(sorry if you have already been nominated)
The Liebster Award goes to...
AG Doll Days
Simply Dollightful
Carrot and Clare
The Dolly District
Doll Day Dreams
Next up, The Grateful Blogger Tag!
(note-You girls don't have to answer my questions. You just have to list the 10 things you are grateful for :)
Polka Dot Bee
American Girl Chick
Dancing in the Moonlight
Dolls On My Mind
AG In the Shire
American Girl Attic Girls
Ginger's Toy Chest
An American Girl Doll Story
Through the Eyes of A 12" Girl
The Abbott Doll Family
And lastly, Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award!
Small Town American Girlz
Wack-a-Doodle Dolls
Todolly Awesome
Dolls Are Best Friends Always
Dolls in the Heart of Dixie
Congratulations! I can't wait to see your answers!!!
Now, onto your questions!
(sorry if you have already been nominated)
The Liebster Award goes to...
AG Doll Days
Simply Dollightful
Carrot and Clare
The Dolly District
Doll Day Dreams
Next up, The Grateful Blogger Tag!
(note-You girls don't have to answer my questions. You just have to list the 10 things you are grateful for :)
Polka Dot Bee
American Girl Chick
Dancing in the Moonlight
Dolls On My Mind
AG In the Shire
American Girl Attic Girls
Ginger's Toy Chest
An American Girl Doll Story
Through the Eyes of A 12" Girl
The Abbott Doll Family
And lastly, Sisterhood of the World Bloggers award!
Small Town American Girlz
Wack-a-Doodle Dolls
Todolly Awesome
Dolls Are Best Friends Always
Dolls in the Heart of Dixie
Congratulations! I can't wait to see your answers!!!
Now, onto your questions!
- Who is your favorite actor/actress?
- What is your favorite thing to do with your dolls?
- If you could go back and live in any historical time period, which would you choose?
- Fork or spoon?
- Do you have a favourite word/quote?
- Who do you look up to?
- Favourite animal?
- What is your favourite color?
- Favourite school subject?
- Painting or Coloring?
Hope you like your questions! I enjoyed looking at all your wonderful blogs!