Wow, I've nearly forgotten what this dear little blog looked like! I missed you!
I am reasonably assured that I only posted once last month. Whoopsy! I guess that's because we started school and I was pretty busy with 10th grade. It still shocks me when I think of that! Yikes! Anywhoo, what have I been up to? Glad you asked.
I have naturally straight hair. Like
straight. There, I said it! So, once in a while I curl my hair. Yeah right. Anyway, that was the result. Not overly impressive, but oh well. (all you straight-haired girls out there, I feel your pain).
Oh, and while we're still on hair, I made this
Celtic Knot Headband tonight. Horrible picture, but I literally took it 15 minutes ago. :)
Moving on. I probably should have mentioned to you before, dear readers, that the Fall is my busiest season. And I mean
busy. That is when I do most of my craft fairs.
Like the one this past weekend that has been absorbing more or less of my time since July.
This is what our table looked like. (The left side is mine and the right is my Partner-in-Crime's)
All my little things: Felt Owls, Ear-warmers, Infinity Scarves, Hair-clip Flowers, Wash Cloths, Baby Bear Hats, Doll Slouchy Hats (love!), and Face Scrubbies. Whew!
Ruffle Scarf, Fingerless Gloves (which are incredible!!!), and Mug Cozies.
(No, Miss Lily is not for sale! She was being my lovely model!)
My friend made her positively lovely goat's milk soap!
(Smells so good and is natural and safe!)
After the craft fair we visited my great aunt's house. She has the most picturesque little yard, I simply had to showcase it!
Oh the potential photo shoots...
I hope you enjoyed the pictures/life update! I have a few more fairs coming up so bear with me, please! Love you all!
p.s. If there's anything I had on my table that you'd like to see a more detailed picture of, just let me know!
p.p.s. There might be a giveaway in the near future, so please follow me!