Saturday, December 17, 2016

Emma Woodhouse Week Kickoff! (And lovely buttons to grab)

      Greetings, all!  Welcome to the Celebrating Emma Woodhouse Week kickoff!  I have been looking forward to this all week and I'm so excited to share with you!

Is this not the cutest picture ever???

       I decided to base my theme on Emma for two reasons: 

Firstly, because it is the best book/movie/fictional character EVER. 

And secondly, because this wonderful book is celebrating a big birthday this month!  Okay, that one needs some clarification.  

 You see, according to the publisher, the official publication date is December 23rd., 1815, which would make last year "Emma's" 200th birthday/anniversary.  Whereas the cover page lists it as 1816, making it the 201st anniversary!  Either way, 200 years or 201 years is a pretty big deal in my opinion, and I didn't think you darlings would mind :)  (But if you do, kindly refrain from telling me so, I have quite delicate sensibilities, just talk about me amongst yourselves ;)  

 Anyway, those are just the boring facts and technicalities I'm sure you don't care about but that I can't help including because I love facts and technicalities and cats! ;D  Now who's ready for buttons?!  (I really, really, really hope you like them!)

 I think this one's my favorite!

Wait, maybe this one?
Nope, nope, nope!  It's this one!

Okay, usual tagging rules apply here!  I tag any of you who wish to participate and answer the following questions!  You may answer them in the comments if you wish or write a post of your own, just don't forget to link back to this post so no one misses out on the fun!  (And don't forget to grab a button!)

And now for questions!

1. Which Emma character is your favorite?
2. Have you seen any film adaptions of the book? Which version(s)?
3. Which did you prefer, book or movies?
4. Do you think Emma is a spoiled brat?
5. Mr. Darcy or Mr. Knightley?
6. Would you be happy living in Highbury, or long for the busy society of London and Bath?
7. Who is more irritating, Miss Bates or Mrs. Elton?
8. Opinion of Harriet.
9. In your opinion, what is Emma's best quality?
10. What is Mr. Knightley's?
11. Would you eat the wedding cake? 

I hope you liked the questions, now go forth and be tagged!


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Announcement That An Announcement is Coming!!

     Hey, guess what?  IT'S DECEMBER 7TH!!!  I'm not sure if you knew that, but flip your calendars anyway!  You're welcome.  Would someone, anyone, maybe like to explain to me exactly how this happened?  I'm rather confused.  Wasn't July, like, yesterday?  And isn't Christmas, like, tomorrow?  I think I'm getting old, I've heard things like this happen to people when they get old.

     Moving right along! Because I love you, I initially planned on doing this post last Friday, but as I was still rather frantically scrambling to finish last minute items for my craft fair this past weekend, that just didn't happen.  (But the craft fair turned out great, in case you were wondering ;)  Anyways, I am just about recovered from craft fair mode and am super excited about what I have to share with you!!  And now the exciting news... I"m going to host my very first-ever blog party!!!!!!!  I've wanted to host one forever and finally decided to just go for it!  But you're all wondering, "Wait, did I miss her saying what the theme is?  Now I'm confused!".  Don't be confused, I didn't say what the theme was! (Want a hint?  Think literature) You see, I haven't exactly had a chance to create my tags yet so you'll have to be patient until the weekend for those.  But I hope/think you're really going to like this, so please just be patient with me until then!  So consider this the announcement that an announcement is coming!

     One last thing before I close.  To those of you who have hosted blog parties in the past, I would be extremely grateful for any advice you care to give me!  Feel free to leave your tips in the comments!  Thanks!


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Happy Anne of Green Gables Week! Or, Better Late Than Never!

Or at least that's what I'm telling myself... ;)  Anyway, how I only found out about this today *gasp* the last day(!), I'll never know!  It probably has nothing to do with the fact I don't check my dashboard consistently.  But despite being the last day, I am still going to chime in with my two sense because I just love Anne way too much not to!  (Well, Anne and Gilbert, that is, you certainly can't have one without the other!)

(I must say, I had a difficult time choosing my favorite tag.  Well done, Miss Evie!)

Now, I've never done one of these tag-things before, so forgive me if I mess this up!  Here are my answers to Miss Evie's questions!  (With lots and lots of quotes and pictures to help illustrate my love of Anne!)

1. How did you get introduced to Anne of Green Gables?

     Oooh, I hate to say this, but it was through the movies first!  (I loved them when I was little!)  I don't think I read the book until I was maybe 10 or 11, and even then, I struggled reading it at first!  But now its one of my treasured favorites :)

2. Are you more like Anne or Diana? Why?

     Hmm.... Maybe a combination?  I liked Diana, most of the time, but sometimes she was just too...too... unimaginative?  I could never be without my imagination! So I guess I'm more like Anne!  (Of course, everybody thinks they're Anne!)  She has an exuberant spirit and a zest for life that I admire in others, and like to think I possess the same in some small fraction, at least :)  

3. If Rachel Lynde called your hair as red as carrots, how would you react?

     Honestly?  I think I would probably just laugh!  I'm kind of a hard person to insult ;)

4. Gilbert, or Morgan Harris?

     Does that question really need to be asked?!?  I could come up with SO MANY REASONS why Morgan Harris was a waste of time (without ever dragging in the fact that he wasn't even in the books!) Just, no!  So definitely Gilbert Blythe, without a doubt!

5. Honest opinion on the third Anne film.

     Oh boy.  As a period drama, not bad!  The acting wasn't too terrible, and neither was the execution, but calling it part of the "Anne" series?  No, no, no!  Didn't the director read the series first?  Didn't he know it was Anne's daughter involved in WWI?  That even then, neither of them were ever on the FRONT LINES!  I could go on and on, but I know you don't need to hear my further conjecture on the matter, the subject is exhausted!

(This wasn't bad, though, at least they didn't make us wait until the end!)

6. Have you seen the New Anne film?

     Ugh.  Yes, yes, I have.  It was utterly detestable!  How can people who shatter other people's childhood dreams be allowed to roam the earth freely like that, let alone write books!?  So my opinion?  I haven't one, because the whole movie was a lie and never happened!

(Give me "Lover's Lane" any day :)

7. What in your own words is a kindred spirit?

     A kindred spirit is someone you can really connect with, not just as a person, but in the very depths of your soul, too.  You never have to explain yourself to them, they just understand and accept you and all of the craziness you add to their life!  They'll always be their for you, to laugh with, cry with, adventure with, and dream with!  So if you have a person who is your kindred spirit, hang on to their hand and don't let go, because they're pretty special people to have!

8. Movie Gilbert or Green Gable Fables Gilbert?

     Um, I've never heard of "Green Gables Fables", but even if I had, I'm 99.9% sure I'd still go with movie Gilbert! :)

9. Does anyone know where we can watch Road to Avonlea online?

     Yes, actually!  You can watch most of them on YouTube!  I've no idea whether that's entirely legal or not, though... ;)

(I know this is about Anne, but can we just take a moment to remember "Road to Avonlea", one of  the best shows of all time?)

10. Favorite book cover?

     Oooh!!!  This one! 

I love how you can see the freckles on her nose!  
(I know, random!  Have I mentioned previously how much I love freckles?  I love freckles!)

 11. The films or the books?

          That's a very difficult question!   I love them both, even though they are completely different!  

And now, in closing, one of my favorite quotes from the book!  

 I know this kind of gives away the end, but I love the end, so I apologize for nothing!

     Thank you, Miss Evie, for the lovely questions, I really enjoyed your tag! 


*disclaimer* All the above pictures credit to Pinterest and their sources, I merely borrowed them and in no way claim them as my own. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Is It Autumn Yet?

  I always reach this feeling at some point in September, like no matter how many more days the calendar says there are until Autumn, Summer is over August 31st!  Do you ever feel that way?  No?  Okay, it's probably just me then!  Anyway, happy September to you all the same!  There are so many things I'm looking forward to this Fall!

Crisp, spicy-smelling leaves, falling in lovely shades of amber and gold!  Pumpkin Pie, fresh from the oven!  And very important, leggings paired with a skirt and a cozy sweatshirt!  Now that sounds perfect!

These Marigolds are about the only thing growing in our garden this year that look halfway intentional, except they aren't, they grew there on their own!

But that's okay, I mean, not every year can be a garden year, right?
(That's what I'm going with, anyway ;)

I love the colors, all sunshine and flame!

  I was flipping through a book that I came across the other day, "The Country Diary of An Edwardian Lady", by Edith Holden, and I came across these lovely little lines of poetry:

"Best I love September's yellow,
morns of dew-strung gossamer,
Thoughtful days without a stir,
Rooky clamours, brazen leaves,
Stubble dotted o'er with sheaves-
More than Spring's bright uncontrol
Suit the Autumn of my soul."

-Alexander  Smith, (Scottish poet)

That pretty much summed up my thoughts on the matter!  What part of Autumn do you most look forward to?


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Lady Returns

   No, you haven't imagined it.  It's true.  I'm really and truly returned to this dear little spot, and I must admit, I've missed it and I've missed you!  I told myself I wouldn't laden this post with all manner of lengthy apologies, explanations, and promises  of amendment.  I will say once that I am truly sorry for the delay and move on to more important things!

   I will, however, give you an overview of my adventures since last our paths crossed! (Which, in case you were wondering, has been exactly 125 days.  Yes, I counted.)  Anyways.

  • I helped throw a surprise bridal shower for that wonderful sister o' mine! 

  •  I finally took the plunge and started my very own flock of backyard chickens!  (more on them later!)

This is Kateri ;)

  • Also, I took my first road trip to New York state!  (Well, first road trip to anywhere, actually.)

  • And was maid-of-honor in the wedding of the year! (Congratulations, you two!)

   Needless to say, I've had quite a lot to keep me busy!  I thought about you all so often! Thank you to those of you who sent little messages of concern through the comments, it's nice to know you've been missed!  (You know who you are! ;)  Although, I mustn't make off as if those few things above mentioned were all that kept me away.  Because, in truth, they weren't the only reason!

(Image courtesy of Pinterest)

   Something was bothering me about this dear old place and I couldn't get to the bottom to discover just what it was.  I was still posting on a fairly regular basis then, but something was not right.  I went back in my mind searching for the reason I had started this blog in the first place.  The reason?  I love to write!  That's the reason so many of you started your own blogs, for goodness sake!

   There, I'd found my reason!  Now what was wrong?  I could see it right off.  I wasn't letting my true feeling into what I wrote, not the way it did in my personal writing.  Everything on here that I reread seemed dull to me, my heart just wasn't there.

   Before you all go into a panic thinking I'm shutting down my blog or some such nonsense, the answer is no!  I wouldn't do that to you and I know I certainly couldn't do that to myself, either.  I am simply going to start fresh!  To write straight off the top of my head and see what happens!  I hope you'll stick around for the ride!



Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

"May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in His hand."

   ~ An Irish Blessing ♣

( Unknown Credit)

I have always loved those lines! 

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!


Sunday, March 6, 2016

"Faltering Flurries"~A Photo Shoot

Hello there! 

  Happy March! I've finally returned from my little lapse, oh well, they happen now and then! We haven't had very much snow this Winter (a bit abnormal) so I had to wait a while to take snowy photo shoots . I think this one turned out fairly well, considering ;)

I love this cloak on Lissie! It has such a great Colonial-look!

Don't the snow flurries compliment her auburn hair?

What mysterious beauty lies beneath the velvet folds?


Hope you enjoyed! Do you have must snow left in your area?


Monday, February 15, 2016

Lenten Traditions

  Hello there!  How are you all on this fine day-after-St. Valentine's-Day? Well, I hope! So today I thought I'd share one of my families Lenten traditions. Albeit, they are a week late but that couldn't be helped. Hehe.

For a few years now, my mum has prepared a special dinner on Fat Tuesday (The day before Ash Wednesday) that consists of puff pancake, caramelized apples and sweet potatoes, and sausage.  This year I made a batch of doughnut holes, too ;)

(The ingredients for the caramelized apples and sweet potatoes.)

    Fat Tuesday is also referred to as Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras in some cultures but, the meaning remains the same under either title .  Basically, the Tuesday before Lent was the day when people were supposed to use up all of their eggs, meat, dairy, and various other perishable food items that were not permitted for use during Lent, which goes until Easter Sunday.

The puff pancake, made mostly of egg, is quite a fascinating dish! It's really neat to watch it rise and take shape while cooking, and it tastes pretty good, too!

 This year we hung up colouring pages of  "The Stations of The Cross" all along the dining room wall. I love these images, they are so beautifully detailed! I don't remember where we found them so I can't post the link. Sorry :(

    Does your family have any special Lenten traditions? 
    See you soon!


Monday, January 25, 2016

Poetry and Pussycats

     As some of you may know, today is the 257th birthday of acclaimed Scottish poet Robert Burns. So I decided to share a few favourites of his many works.

Auld Lang Syne

I typically think of this song around New Year's, but I've been known to sing it on many other occasions ;)

My Luve Is Like A Red, Red Rose

This is such a beautiful one! I don't think I'll ever think of it now, though, without thinking of the "skunk" from When Calls the Heart. hehe (High-five if you got the reference!)

Loch Lomond

And now, my all time favourite! I absolutely love this one!

Do you have a favourite?


     Now on to that pussycat I promised! 

I made this little sweetie for my aunt's birthday (also today).

 Her nickname is Tabitha ;)

  'Til we meet again!


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year! And Other News.

*Important* New Contest Winner Below

   Hello!  So I may be a tad late on the whole New Years well-wishing but at least it isn't too late to say Merry Christmas, since the Christmas season doesn't end until tomorrow  :)  Anyways, happy 11th day of Christmas! Sorry I didn't get you "Eleven pipers piping".

  So let us see, my phone is throwing a bit of a tantrum at the moment so I won't be able to show you my dolls' Christmas gifts :(  I was able, however, to salvage a few photos taken from one of our local parishes Nativity scene that I found pretty impressive. The photos are courtesy of my brother, who assisted in the construction of the Nativity :).

This is the view from the pews...

Baby Jesus wasn't in the manger yet at the time this photo was taken because it was not Christmas Eve. At that point the priest would place the Infant Jesus in His bed of straw.

My family has helped construct this Creche every year for as long as I can recall and even before that!  It takes a quantity of time and patience to get it just right but it's always worth the effort!

Here is what the Main Altar looks like all bedecked in poinsettia.

  I hope you enjoyed that :). Now on to my next order of business. Do you recall that contest I held? Well, much to my disappointment, I never heard from the winner within the set time and have drawn a new name. Are you ready? The new winner is...

Sophie Amelie Moreau

Please send me an email with your address as soon as possible to:

Thank you to everyone else who entered!
