Monday, February 15, 2016

Lenten Traditions

  Hello there!  How are you all on this fine day-after-St. Valentine's-Day? Well, I hope! So today I thought I'd share one of my families Lenten traditions. Albeit, they are a week late but that couldn't be helped. Hehe.

For a few years now, my mum has prepared a special dinner on Fat Tuesday (The day before Ash Wednesday) that consists of puff pancake, caramelized apples and sweet potatoes, and sausage.  This year I made a batch of doughnut holes, too ;)

(The ingredients for the caramelized apples and sweet potatoes.)

    Fat Tuesday is also referred to as Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras in some cultures but, the meaning remains the same under either title .  Basically, the Tuesday before Lent was the day when people were supposed to use up all of their eggs, meat, dairy, and various other perishable food items that were not permitted for use during Lent, which goes until Easter Sunday.

The puff pancake, made mostly of egg, is quite a fascinating dish! It's really neat to watch it rise and take shape while cooking, and it tastes pretty good, too!

 This year we hung up colouring pages of  "The Stations of The Cross" all along the dining room wall. I love these images, they are so beautifully detailed! I don't remember where we found them so I can't post the link. Sorry :(

    Does your family have any special Lenten traditions? 
    See you soon!
