Can I get a "YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!"??? The best season ever is upon us yet again, what could possibly be lovelier than that, I ask you??
Nothing. The answer is nothing.
Except for all the lovely things we get to do in the Fall, like...
Those cool, crisp mornings. Picking apples and eating them fresh. Playful breezes that send the colorful leaves swirling down. Hot cups of tea or coffee to warm chilled hands. The spicy smell of drying leaves. Make all sorts of pumpkin treats. Curl up with a good book.
Oh, how I love it!
And now that it's Fall again-my best season for writing-perhaps I'll be able to accomplish more great and wonderful things than in Summer!
In other Fall randomness, have you ever wondered what color leaf you'd be? No? That doesn't surprise me, but here's a quiz in case you're curious now :) Right here.
Supposedly I would be a brown leaf because it is the color of subtlety, strength, and being down-to-earth. Hmmm....
A pretty brown leaf :)
Before I bid you all a "goodnight," I leave you with a few songs that have been going through my head today.
"Autumn"-Ben Rector
Figures, right?
"Summer Again"-The Afters
"The Best Day"~Taylor Swift
Quite Fall-ish, wouldn't you agree?
Do any other songs come to mind about this lovely season? What are your favorite things about Autumn? Do let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear!
p.s. Today is the first day to begin the novena to Saint Therese the Little Flower, you can find it here.