Friday, September 22, 2017

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

seasonalwonderment: Autumn 

Can I get a "YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!"???  The best season ever is upon us yet again, what could possibly be lovelier than that, I ask you??

Nothing.  The answer is nothing.

Except for all the lovely things we get to do in the Fall, like...

 Henry Herbert La Thangue  (1859-1929) was an English painter of rural scenes. He was associated with the Newlyn School .         A Ligurian...

Those cool, crisp mornings.  Picking apples and eating them fresh.  Playful breezes that send the colorful leaves swirling down.  Hot cups of tea or coffee to warm chilled hands.  The spicy smell of drying leaves.  Make all sorts of pumpkin treats.  Curl up with a good book.  

Oh, how I love it!

Vamos a leer 

 And now that it's Fall again-my best season for writing-perhaps I'll be able to accomplish more great and wonderful things than in Summer!


In other Fall randomness, have you ever wondered what color leaf you'd be?  No?  That doesn't surprise me, but here's a quiz in case you're curious now :)  Right here.

Supposedly I would be a brown leaf because it is the color of subtlety, strength, and being down-to-earth.  Hmmm....

Brown | Buraun | Braun | Marrone | Brun | Marrón | Bruin | ブラウン | Colour | Texture | Pattern | Style | 
A pretty brown leaf :)

Before I bid you all a "goodnight," I leave you with a few songs that have been going through my head today.

 "Autumn"-Ben Rector
Figures, right?

 "Summer Again"-The Afters

"The Best Day"~Taylor Swift
Quite Fall-ish, wouldn't you agree?

Do any other songs come to mind about this lovely season?  What are your favorite things about Autumn?  Do let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear!

Happy Fall 

 p.s. Today is the first day to begin the novena to Saint Therese the Little Flower, you can find it here.

Friday, September 8, 2017


  Firstly, it is Our Lady's birthday today, so here is this beautiful image in her honor.

Blessed Virgin Mary
What I tell ya, folks?  Now do you believe me when I say August went by fast?  I feel like I blinked too long or something.

I kept giving myself little tasks to complete before I allowed myself to just sit down and type up a blog post.  (Which I fully realize is rather unfair to you. Sorry ;) ) The truth is, as I'm sure you are all very much aware, life is busy.  Wow!  I know, right?!

"Let there be light..."
(Some happy yellow flowers for you. Because I love you.)
September, though.  September is busy.  September is always busy.  For me at least.

We start school on Monday, I have a part-time job beginning next week, our church fair is the following weekend so I'll be face painting for that, and I still have a few minor, measly little things to do before then and it seems it's always those petty things that weigh you down and make everything feel so much more hugely overwhelming than they really are.  Hopefully that's the only run-on sentence you'll have to deal with in this post, but I think you get the idea ;) 

Now please don't think I'm complaining because I truthfully don't really mind all those things.  Like I said, September is always busy.  I mean it's true, busyness can lead to craziness, craziness often leads to chaos, once chaos ensures the feeling of being overwhelmed sets in rather quickly and can easily lead to insanity, but as long as you take a few deep breaths and say a Hail Mary or two before things get out of hand, you can usually avoid going stark raving mad and inevitably being locked away in a nut house for the rest of your days.  I don't know about you, but I'm pretty okay with those odds.

(Oh look! There's another one!  Whoops...)

Let's read...

Anyways, when I'm not concerning myself with the added strain put on my mental state, I find September a rather endearing month.  It's so charming, caught between the desire to be as warmly carefree as summery August or brisk and dignified as cooler October, the same as a child torn between either the sophistication or simplicity of an older and a younger sibling. 

There is just enough of sunshine and warmth so as not to mourn August's passing too dolefully, yet with a definite and irresistible spice of Fall, come to enchant the world to sleep once more against the coming chill.  

I guess I think September is special.  That's probably just me, but I'll continue to feel this way regardless!

Alas, I must be off, but you will hear from me soon, my dears!  I hope you're enjoying your Septembers, are they as busy/busier than mine?  (Not that it's a contest, of course, just makin' conversation.  hehe ;) )
