Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy, thankful, blessed, and smiling

I'm sitting here at my computer blogging this.

Yes, I probably should be writing, but this is almost the same thing, right?

It's words.  That counts for something, maybe...


Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving all you US  readers! 

If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share. #Thanksgiving #Wishes #Quotes

I will admit, I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to make this post about.  I was just browsing through pinterest looking for pretty quotes and pictures, the typical blogging fare, but I still wasn't quite sure of what I wanted to say.  I didn't want to sound cliche but at the same time I knew I wanted to write along the lines of Thanksgiving.

In my browsing I stumbled across a writing prompt I had saved a while back, a challenge to write down 50 things that made you smile.  Hmmm... that got me thinking.  So in the spirit of that prompt here are just a few things that make me feel happy, thankful, blessed, and put a smile on my face.

"It was November; the month of crimson sunsets, parting birds, deep, sad hymns of the sea, passionate wind-songs in the pines." L. M. Montgomery 

1. The smell of wood smoke burning on a cold day.

2. Memories, and the fact that I have so many treasured ones.

Vintage Thanksgiving Postcard 
Isn't this just so simply beautiful?  It makes me wish I could've written it.

3. My Catholic Faith, through which my many blessings are realized.

 St. John of Avila - Blessed be God! ~ AnaStpaul - May 10, 2017 

4. People in my life who love me and care about me and even make me laugh!

"When I count my blessings, I count you twice." —Irish proverb

 5. Rainy days.

6. And sunny ones, too.

7. Changed plans and new beginnings.

Squirrel Nutkin by Beatrix Potter Today I bought a Squirrel 

8. And for all the tiny, countless things in this great big beautiful life that we don't always notice and don't begin to deserve yet are blessed with anyway.

 nothing is more beautiful than a grateful heart #thanksgiving

Here is a free vintage Thanksgiving postcard for you. Front: and back: Click on images to enlarge.

And so, I bid you all a very happy thanksgiving day, and just a very happy day in general!   You guys are all wonderful, the best, and I'm really glad we get to cross one another's paths the way we do.  Thank you!!!

