Friday, November 27, 2015

All Saints Day 2015

Hello there!  Whew! November? All ready? It sure snuck up on me this year! Happy-Day-After -Thanksgiving! (because that's totally a legitimate holiday :)

Anyways. Here are my dolls' costumes for All Saints Day (which was Nov. 1. don't laugh)

Lily dressed up as St. Bernadette 

                             St. Bernadette was a little French girl from Lourdes, France. When she
                           was fourteen years old, Our Lady appeared to her in a grotto (a niche in 
                           a rock) and gave her a very important message for the whole world.

You can read more about Saint Bernadette here.

Here we have Bridget dressed as St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
Fun Fact: I took her as my Confirmation saint :)

As you can see, St. Elizabeth was a Hungarian princess in the
early part of the 13th century ( High Middle Ages ).

She married the landgrave of Thuringia (Germany) and, after his 
death devoted the rest of her short life to the poor and sick, founding 
many hospitals. Read more here.

And finally, Felicity as St. Genevieve. 

Saint Genevieve lived near Paris in the 5th century.

It is said that when Attila and his Huns threatened to overtake
Paris, she encouraged the people to fast and pray. Thus, Paris was 
saved and she is now known as its patroness. 

More on this brave saint here.

  So, did you have a favourite costume? I think mine is Bridget's, but its hard to decide ;)

  Did all of you American readers have a nice Thanksgiving?  I can't believe its that time of year again! I mean, Christmas was last year, wasn't it? Well, there are lots of fun things to look forward to!
Tomorrow is my family's annual "Wreath Making" party at my grandparents house.  Everyone goes out into the woods and picks greens (pine, spruce, laurel, berries and, if it's a good year, Princess Pine!) So much fun!

  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


p.s. My dad and my brother took me on a trip to a doll clothes shop nearby. I believe I've mentioned it before;) I'll share pictures soon!

p.p.s Gearing up for another sale next week! Wish me luck!


  1. Hi, Emma! I know this is a bit late, but I just wanted to tell you how happy this post makes me :) I'm also Roman Catholic, and I think your saint dolls are beautiful!

    Have you ever seen the Sydney Penny movie about St. Bernadette? It's actually my favorite movie of ALL TIME EVER. Just . . . awesome. That's all. :)

    1. Hello, Jessica! I'm so glad you liked them! I had such a hard time choosing just three favourite saints!

      I think I've seen that one a few years ago, but I don't remember it distinctly. Perhaps I should see if I can watch it again :)

      One of my favourite Catholic movies is The War of The Vendee, have you ever seen that one?

    2. I haven't seen it, but I've heard about it! Maybe I'll give it a try :)

      The Bernadette movie is on YouTube, actually--that's how I first found it--in both French and English. I actually like the French version better, but they're both really good.

      I know what you mean--it's really hard to choose just one favorite out of all the saints!

  2. Hi Emma, I'm a little late, but I hope I'm not too late ;-)

    I just wanted to say I love your blog! The design is so pretty. I'm a Catholic too, and I also love crocheting and crafts!

    Your dolls are so cool! I really like that crocheted red shawl - you made it, right? I think my favorite is St. Genevieve, because she's always been a favorite of mine, but they are all gorgeous!!

    P.S. The Jessica Prescott who commented above is my sister :D

    1. Don't worry, there's no such thing as too late!

      Awww...That's so sweet of you to say! I'm always so excited to meet other Catholic girls out there whom I have similar interests with (especially if they like to crochet ;)

      Yes, I made that cape this Summer, Felicity needed one! St. Genevieve is one of my top favourites, too!

      Merry Christmas to you and your sister ;)


    2. Great! Yes, it's really exciting to meet other Catholic girls :) Crocheting - absolutely! Also sewing, reading, writing, drawing, painting . . . anything creative, really!

      Merry Christmas to you! We appreciate it :)

  3. Lovely costumes! I think saint Elizabeth's is my favorite.


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