Sunday, July 16, 2017

Summer Ambitions~ 2017 Edition

I am always so seized during the span of these warmer months with such soaring aspirations towards greater productivity and creativity. 

Perhaps there is something in the sunshine and warmth or that special, joyful bloom lying all about and covering everything that sends my imagination whirring.  Whirring and reminding me of all the things I want to learn,

and create,

and do. 

John Sloane ~ summer respite ~ country ~ farm ~ girl & dog 

For me, if I want to get things done without forgetting or losing interest, I write it down.  So this is my list of things I want to learn, projects I want/need to accomplish, and skills I want to attain.  Some are more silly than practical, but why not have fun in the progress? 

 I plan to keep you all updated on my progress and at the end of the season see how many things I actually accomplished! 

And now the list:

1. Post more frequently. (No, I'm not kidding, I'm really going to try ;) )

2. Go through/reorganize/consolidate my hope chest and items therein.

3. Make more time for writing, and just write.

 Renee Zellweger as Beatrix Potter in 'Miss Potter' (2006).

 4. Learn to play guitar. (Or at least try.)

  There is a deep hole in our hearts where music once lived. Honing our craft and continuing to write music (separately and together) will help to fill that hole in as we find our rhythm again. | transition from surviving to thriving.

5. Maybe finally figure out how to ride a bike. Maybe.

6. Teach myself to play the lap harp. 
7. Repair bureau drawer. (There's a story to that, I promise!)

8. Learn to paint hand-blown eggs. (You know, like those gorgeous Eastern European ones. So fascinating!)
Krakus Market-Polish Easter Eggs, had an art teacher that could make these. She was Polish. 

 9.Read books  lots of books. 

Story of my life...
10. Repair broken statue.

11. Create a resume.

12. Make homemade SPRINKLES!!!  (Sounds super fun, maybe a disaster, but a fun disaster!)

 Say yes to sprinkles!
 13. Turn 17! (Eek)

14. Expand run for chickens. 
Girl Feeding Her Chickens by Allan R. Banks (1948, American)

 15. Crochet lots of items for Fall craft fairs and local fair entries.

There!  That's my list, what do you think?  It certainly isn't comprehensive, but it's something from which to work.  As I said, I 'll be sure to keep you all updated on my progress, success or fail, I promise!

While we're on the subject of goals, do you have anything you'd like to accomplish over the summer?  Things to do, places to go, people to see?  I'd love to hear!   

Well, I guess it's time to get started and "make hay while the sun shines", as they say!  Wish me luck!



  1. Because of my job this summer, I don't have many goals. Most are writing-centered (Camp NaNO, #RebeliousWriting, etc). Wish my list was as complete as yours!


    1. Don't discount yourself though, Catherine, I think writing alone is a pretty impressive goal. Especially since you're working around other commitments! I hope you're able to accomplish it :)


  2. Good luck!!!!!!!!!! ;)


  3. Wow! This sounds like such a fun listen! I hope you are able to complete it! Have fun!!!!!!!

    1. I hope so too, MovieCritic! I suppose we shall have to see... ;)


  4. Your list sounds awesome!! Definitely let us know how it goes!

    As for myself, I totally need to do the whole "sitting down and just writing" thing. And organizing my life in general and...yeah, just using my time more efficiently. Also reading more. I can never seem to get on top of everything though. :P

    1. I shall keep you posted, never fear!

      Miss March, yes. Yes, you have summed up my thoughts completely. You've also summed up a nagging paradox of mine, "to read or to write?-that is the question." Will we ever be "on top"? ;)


  5. Homemade sprinkles?! Dude, I didn't even know that was a thing!

    Haha, #1 is so relatable. :)

    I want to write more this summer, too (that is, I sort of want to PREPARE to write, but that's another story). And read, yes indeed! Lots and lots of reading. :D

    Ooh, are you good at crocheting? I can crochet straight lines, so I make blankets and things, but I don't know how to follow a pattern or crochet in a circle. :-P But I enjoy it! What do you like to make?

    Fun post, Emma! :)

  6. Yup, it's a thing! :D

    For all of us, I'm sure!

    I understand the "PREPARE to write" thing, that's kind of where I'm trying to escape from into ACTUALLY writing ;)

    Oh, that's cool! I crochet all kinds of things, I've been doing it for years. Right now I'm working up a bunch of infinity scarves for craft fairs/Etsy and next I'm planning on working up a few beanie hats that I LOVE to make!

    Thanks, Olivia! And thank you for commenting :)



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